Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

I still Remember this Bad Accident !!!

Last night, I dreamt of something that has been happened in part of my life. It’s about the accident that I’ve got. This accident happened when I was joining the graduation ceremony. The graduation ceremony was followed by all of Politeknik Negeri Bandung (the college where I study). Some of organizations showed their arrogance. The same as us, we would welcome our alumnus. Suddenly, one of the organizations named Mechanical Engineering Organization (ups, I’m sorry to write this  J, but it’s true!!) wanted to take our place. They did it by pushing and hitting. Then I fell down. When I tried to stand, some of my friends fell down too, and they fell on me. Ougggh … how pity I amL. I felt sick in all part of my body, I couldn’t do anything, and I just cried and shouted. I thought I would die there.

For a minute, I shouted to them that there were women. Although they heard my shouting, they kept pushing us. Actually, I would kill them if could. Hahahaha :D. then, I was hit by someone I didn’t know. Because of that event, I had got terrible injury in my body. For instance, I had got bruise on my knee, leap, and leg. Besides, I had also got bruise on mu nose which was caused by someone who hit me.

Finally, thanks God, my best friend helped me get out from the chaos and I saved (big thanks to Rusdian who helped me J). First I would be taken to the Polyclinic, but we had remembered that Polyclinic was closed on Saturday and Sunday. So, I just took a rest in my boarding house. As the result I still felt pain of my body until Monday; so that, I didn’t attend the class.

I hope that next year will not be the same tragedy in Politeknik Negeri Bandung. So that there will be no victim on the same case. It would be better if the organization care about others organization. Just think what will feel if the tragedy happen to the organization!!!
By: Ririn Astrina Putri

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